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Vigil - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Women Illawarra and Illawarra Women's Health Centre invite you to attend a vigil in McCabe Park Wollongong to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on Monday the 27th November 2023 at 12pm.

Women's rights activists have observed 25 November as a day against gender-based violence since 1981. This date was selected to honour the Mirabal sisters, three political activists from the Dominican Republic who were brutally murdered in 1960 by order of the country’s ruler, Rafael Trujillo (1930-1961).

A worldwide movement, this day represents an ongoing invitation to governments, international organisations as well as NGOs to annually join together and organise activities designed to raise public awareness of the issue of violence against women.

We will be holding a vigil to honour and mourn those lost to gendered violence in 2023 and will hear from advocates and activists in our community who refuse to be silent until violence against women stops.

Please join us. #stopviolenceagainstwomen #16days2023

November 26

White Ribbon Ride

November 28

Death Cafe Chat