EST. 1979
Women Illawarra has been at the forefront of many campaigns for women’s issues. Previously Wollongong Women’s Information Service, our organisation was instrumental in the foundation of many women’s services in the Illawarra, including women’s health, housing and domestic violence services. Since opening our doors in 1979, we have provided continuous support and services to the women of the Illawarra.

The History of Women Illawarra
Following the first rally in Wollongong for International Women's Day in March 1979, eight local women’s committees, unions, groups and collective’s came together and successfully lobbied for funding to establish the Wollongong Women’s Centre in November 1979.
The Women’s Centre was the hub of feminist cultural and political activity in Wollongong, with an active membership. During the 80’s the Centre secured funding through the NSW Youth and Community Service and established its first funded support services and community programs. The Centre also purchased its current premises at 170 Corrimal Street, where key local services for women's health and wellbeing were initiated and operated.
In the 90’s the Centre continued to develop services, programs and campaigns to address issues affecting women locally such as discrimination and harassment, Education & Training, Domestic & Sexual violence, housing and accommodation. There was an increased focus on engaging and supporting Aboriginal Women and women from culturally diverse backgrounds during this decade and increased funding for Domestic and Family Violence, with the establishment of Specialist DV Support workers and the Illawarra WDVCAS.
During this period The Centre continued to expand programs to engage Aboriginal Women through Intergenerational and Intercultural programs with partnerships developed with The Aboriginal Cultural Centre and Aboriginal Elders. There was expansion in funding for domestic and family violence support with the Illawarra WDVCAS employing more staff including a Multicultural Specialist Worker and an Aboriginal Specialist Worker in 2009.
This decade saw significant growth and diversification in the Centre’s services and programs, from specialist domestic violence support services through to broader community and cultural programs. The Illawarra WDVCAS expanded further with the introduction of Safer Pathways and the funding of the Family Advocacy and Support Service (FASS).
2020 - Present
2020/2021 was a period of significant growth, development and adjustment for the organisation, navigating service delivery through a global pandemic whilst undertaking a review of our Constitution, a restructure and the rebranding of the organisation from “Wollongong Women’s Information Service” to “Women Illawarra”. Achieving PBI & DGR Status in 2021/2022, we remain committed to providing services and programs that relieve the distress and suffering of women and children who experience vulnerabilities which prevent them from participating fully in our community.
The prominent Illawarra men urging others to stand up against domestic violence
Illawarra Mercury; By Natalie Croxton Updated December 11 2024 - 3:36pm, first published 10:55am
Picture by Adam McLean
'“Violence against women and children isn't a women's health or safety issue, as Women Illawarra's Michelle Glasgow says, but a men's behaviour problem.”
A Current Affair - WDVCAS
'They are saving lives': Brave domestic violence survivor urges others to seek help
New York Times - "Australia's National Crisis of Domestic Abuse"
“The problem persists…because too many communities and men are still stuck on the “laissez-faire attitude of ‘She’ll be right, mate.’”
Good360 Giveaway
Illawarra Mercury; By Zoe Cartwright Updated April 12 2022 - 5:10pm, first published 11:35am
Women Illawarra open day an "…. opportunity to come and meet the team and get some freebies," GM Michelle Glasgow said.
Domestic violence advocates call more specialist training for NSW Police a 'must'
Illawarra Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service manager, Michelle Glasgow, said an adequate police response to domestic violence entailed an "enormous amount of work". Staffing levels, she said, must reflect that.
Women's fight for equality preserved at UOW, though 'not much has changed'
Illawarra Mercury - By Desiree Savage Updated February 10 2023 - 8:57pm, first published 6:23pm
Car-loads full of history were delivered to the University of Wollongong on Friday to preserve the fight for equality by the region's women, but the artefacts also revealed not a lot has changed.
Illawarra forum on women's issues ahead of 2023 state election
Illawarra Mercury; By Natalie Croxon Updated February 6 2023 - 4:51pm, first published 3:00pm
The candidates vying for a seat in parliament from the electorates of the Illawarra are invited to attend the March 2 event, as are members of the public.
Women Illawarra, the Illawarra Women's Health Centre, Housing Trust and Community Industry Group will host the forum.
Women hit the streets of Wollongong for Reclaim the Night rally
Forty-five years on, women in the Illawarra are experiencing the same victim-blaming and violence-minimising attitudes that began the first Reclaim the Night march.
New Vigil at MacCabe Park to honour lives impacted by domestic violence List Item
Illawarra Mercury; By Zaina A Sayeda Updated November 22 2022 - 5:46pm, first published 5:00pm
The first vigil of its kind - honouring, acknowledging and remembering domestic and family violence victims. The joint event by Women Illawarra and Illawarra Women's Health Centre will include guest speakers and a moment of reflection.
How Wollongong marked International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women 2022
Illawarra Mercury; By Zaina A Sayeda Updated November 25 2022 - 6:58pm, first published 3:34pm
Dozens of people gathered at MacCabe Park in Wollongong on Friday to lay a rose for each of the 40 victims of domestic violence who'd lost their lives in the past year.
Surge in women reaching out for family and domestic violence
Beth Roman was interviewed by ABC Illawarra about a surge in women reaching out for family and domestic violence support services in light of the housing crisis.
"We don't have enough housing, people are being turned away. And what it means is that women are forced to stay with the perpetrator because they don't have any other choice."
Women Illawarra eases the burden for families facing steep back-to-school bills
Illawarra Mercury; By Rosie Bensley Updated January 30 2023 - 5:01pm, first published 1:36pm
Not-for-profit organisation Women Illawarra supported 19 local families and 56 children with back-to-school hampers to ease the financial strain off the back of the notoriously-pricey holiday period.
DV advocate says police operation relieves burden on victims
Illawarra Mercury By Natalie Croxon Updated July 17 2023 - 8:47pm, first published 5:00pm
An Illawarra expert says more resources and better training are needed within the police force to combat domestic violence, but exercises like a recent operation targeting high-risk offenders do help victims.
NSW Police form DFV Registry
Illawarra Mercury; By Natalie Croxon Updated July 31 2023 - 7:51pm, first published 3:30pm
Women Illawarra general manager Michelle Glasgow welcomed "any reform that's going to improve police response to domestic and family violence in our community".
Back to School Appeal 2024
Region Illawarra; By Zoe Cartwright January 18th 2024
Women Illawarra needs your help to get kids back to school
Inspiring women of the Illawarra
Coal Coast Magazine - Issue 23; Words by Erin Huckle
Celebrating IWD 2024 with a spotlight on six inspiring women in the Illawarra
'Solid action' needed to provide housing for women escaping violence
“One of the things that’s fed back to us on the frontline is that some women don’t have the opportunity to escape violence because there is nowhere to go.”